Saturday, February 21, 2009

It may be cold, but we are warm in heart........

This picture proves that we were able to survive the coldest winter that Hungary has had in sixteen years. Kris managed to keep warm regarless of the temperature. The other photo proves that Dad and I are surviving here very well. We hope that the visitors at Christmas were able to see some of the hundreds 9f years of history that these countries have, nothing like the good old USA, which is a baby country.
There have not been too many posts on the blog, we need to do more. One of our missionaries just blogs her family once a week, then her daughter dresses it up for her and they have scrapbook pages right on the computer. Cool, I think
We are down to about five weeks and we are getting more and more excited to be able to come home. We love serving the Lord but we love our family soooooooo much, we can't wait to see you all.
Love, Mom and Dad, G and G